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Estimate the price of creating your Webflow site?

Take the first step towards the realization of your digital project. Simply fill out the form below to give you an idea of the budget for your project.
Remplissez simplement le formulaire ci-dessous pour vous donner une idée de devis pour votre création de site.

1. Structure

2. Design

3. Dev

4. Quote

Number of pages:

Please enter the number of main pages (home, blog, contact...) in your site. Do not count pages such as legal notices, 404...


Your need

Do you have Only need Wireframes ? Or do you want to develop Wireframes already existing ?

Visual complexity

Will your site be rather conventional or do you want to get out of the ordinary with a complex design and numerous animations ?

Redesign or creation?

Do you already have an online site?

Your current Website

If the answer to the previous question is yes, please indicate the URL of your current site

External tools

Please specify if you need to integrate external tools (Google Analytics, Calendly...)

The content

A nice site with content that doesn't meet your target audience is useless. Define if you want me to take care of the drafting And of themainstreaming or if it's something you're going to manage on your own.


“If they look for me they find me.” The SEO (visibility on search engines) is essential if you want your future customers to come across your site.


Please specify a date when you would like your site to be put online.

How did you find me?

How did you end up on this website?

Your email

Please enter your email in order to receive a detailed price estimate for your project.

Merci ! Votre demande de devis a été reçue.

Je m'engage à revenir vers vous sous 48 heures avec une estimation détaillée de votre projet basée sur les informations fournies.

Alexis Gardin
Mince, quelque chose s'est mal passée...

The most frequently asked questions

Do you have questions ? This section is here to help. Scroll through them to find answers to frequently asked questions from my customers.

Visit the full FAQ
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How much does a UX UI or Webflow project cost?

The price of a project depends heavily on its size and on the expectations of the result. The number of pages, its target (Showcase site, e-commerce, Landing page...) and the deadlines may also affect the estimate.
Also, everything will depend on the service provider you are going to use. A Webflow agency will very often charge more than a freelance Webflow integrator.
In addition, if resources already exist such as Wireframes or a Graphic charter it can help me speed up the process.
If you want to have an idea of what to expect in terms of prices you can consult my calculating (note that this is only an estimate)

Do not hesitate to Contact me so that I can offer you a precise quote corresponding to your needs.

How long does it take to create a website?

The larger a site will be, the longer it will take to build. The deadlines will not be the same either if you simply have to integrate a model or else define the entire brief, that is to say the UX research, Graphic charter, Mockups (on software like Figma or Adobe XD...), and integration on a CMS suchlike Webflow or Wordpress.

For a showcase site (most of my web projects) the completion time can take 2 to 4 weeks while for a e-commerce site it could be extended to several months.

Is it complicated to transfer my Wordpress site to Webflow?

No, transfer your site from WordPress to Webflow is not complicated.
The process involves a prior analysis of your WordPress site to identify elements to be migrated, such as content, design, and specific features. Then, we rebuild your site on Webflow, taking advantage of its visual design tools to recreate and improve your site without losing its essence. Although this requires expertise to ensure a smooth transition, my support guarantees a worry-free migration and a significant improvement in the performance and usability of your site.

Understand the cost of creating a website

Understanding the cost of creating a website can be complex. Several factors come into play and influence the final budget. Here is an overview of the main elements to consider when estimating the cost of a website.

The different types of websites:

The cost of your website will largely depend on type of site that you want to set up

Showcase site

Simple and informative, perfect for startups or the freelancers wishing to present/launch their services.


Focused on regular publication of content, often used by content creators and businesses for content marketing.

E-commerce website

Allows you to sell products online, with shopping cart, payment, and inventory management features.

The various factors that can influence the cost

Several factors influence the total cost of developing a website:

User experience and interface design

The design of your website is crucial to offer a optimal user experience. A well-thought-out design requires time and specialized skills, which can increase costs. A unique and personalized design will cost more than a standard template.

Development and features

Development includes programming your site and integration of the desired functionalities. The more complex your site is (for example, payment system integration, user management, reservation systems), the higher the development cost will be. Using CMS platforms like Webflow can reduce costs, but specific functionalities will often require custom development.

Creation/writing of your content

The content on your site, whether it's text, images, videos, or other media, represents a significant portion of the cost. The writing of content optimized for natural referencing (SEO) is essential for attracting and retaining visitors.

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