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B2B (Business to Business) refers to commercial transactions between businesses, in contrast to business and consumer transactions (B2C).
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What is a B2B company?

A B2B business, or Business to Business, is a business whose customers are other businesses. Unlike B2C (Business to Consumer) businesses that sell directly to end consumers, B2B businesses sell products, services, or solutions to other businesses to help them operate or improve their own offerings. Common examples include business software providers, industrial product wholesalers, and marketing agencies that provide services to other businesses.

What is the difference between B2B and B2C?

The main difference between B2B and B2C is in the type of customers they serve. B2B (Business to Business) concerns transactions between businesses, while B2C (Business to Consumer) concerns transactions between businesses and end consumers. In B2B, sales cycles are generally longer, transactions are of greater value, and buying decisions are made by multiple stakeholders. On the other hand, in B2C, sales cycles are shorter, buying decisions are often impulsive, and transaction amounts are generally lower. Additionally, B2B marketing strategies focus on building relationships and demonstrating added value, while B2C marketing focuses more on emotion and immediate customer satisfaction.