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An API (Application Programming Interface) allows applications to communicate with each other, facilitating the integration and interaction of systems.

What is the meaning of API?

API stands for Application Programming Interface. It is a set of rules and protocols that allow different applications to communicate with each other. APIs are critical for system integration because they allow software to share data and functionality without requiring direct human interaction. In other words, an API acts as a bridge between different computer programs, facilitating their interaction and interoperability.

What exactly is an API?

An API is an interface that defines how different software components should interact. It outlines specific functions or services that an application can use to perform tasks or obtain data from another application. For example, a weather service API can allow an application to retrieve weather forecasts for a given location. APIs are designed for use by developers and can vary in complexity, from simple REST endpoints to sophisticated programming interfaces.

What is the difference between API and Web Service?

While the terms API and Web Service are often used interchangeably, they are not entirely synonymous. An API is a more general concept that encompasses any type of communication mechanism between applications. A Web Service, on the other hand, is a specific type of API that works on the web and uses protocols like HTTP and HTTPS to facilitate communication between applications. All Web Services are APIs, but not all APIs are Web Services. Web Services are often used to allow the integration of services via the Internet, following standards such as SOAP or REST.

What is the difference between API and REST API?

REST (Representational State Transfer) is an architecture style used to build APIs. A REST API is an API that adheres to REST principles, which include the use of standard HTTP requests to access resources, a predictable data structure, and statelessness, which means that each API request should contain all the information needed to be processed independently of previous requests. In summary, a REST API is a specific type of API that uses standardized conventions and methods to interact with web services in a simple and effective way.