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HTML (HyperText Markup Language) is the standard language for structuring and presenting the content of a web page, including text, images, and links.

What is HTML in computer science?

HTML, or HyperText Markup Language, is the standard language used to create and structure the content of web pages. It uses tags to describe elements on the page, such as titles, paragraphs, images, links, and more. Each HTML element is defined by an opening tag and a closing tag, and can include attributes to specify additional information. HTML is essential for web development because it forms the basis of any web page, defining its structure and content.

Why do we use HTML?

HTML is used for several basic reasons:

  • Content structuring: HTML makes it possible to structure the content of a web page in a logical and organized way, making it easier for users to read and navigate.
  • Universal compatibility: HTML is recognized and supported by all modern web browsers, ensuring that web pages can be displayed correctly on any device.
  • Multimedia integration: HTML makes it easy to incorporate images, videos, sounds, and other interactive media into web pages, enriching the user experience.
  • Accessibility: By using appropriate semantic tags, HTML can make web pages more accessible to users with disabilities by making it easier to use screen readers and other assistive technologies.