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Webflow landing page for a MOOC on AI

Unow asked me to create their new Webflow landing page from A to Z in order to announce their first MOOC combining artificial intelligence and HR.

Customer sector
Training center
Landing page
Webflow landing page for a MOOC on AI

Webflow landing page for a MOOC focused on artificial intelligence and human resources

Unow asked me to create their new Webflow landing page from A to Z in order to announce their first MOOC combining artificial intelligence and HR.

Context: quickly put a landing page online

Unow, vocational training organization recognized for its courses innovative and interactive, has launched its first free MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) on AI and Human Resources (HR). The company wanted to attract a large audience of HR professionals and invite them to enroll in this unique training via theintegration of a Hubspot form directly on the page.

To do this, Unow called on my services as a UX UI designer and Webflow integrator to take care of the project. From the first block on Figma to the launch online it only took 4 days.

Objective: to obtain registrations via the form

The main objective of creating this landing page was to maximize registrations for this event. The areas of work included:

1. Attracting a large and varied audience : Target human resources professionals at different levels of AI proficiency, from the simplest beginner to those who already know the basics of artificial intelligence via renowned tools such as GPT chat and Midjourney.

2. Strengthen the online visibility of Unow : Establish the authority of the brand by offering its audience a quality event.

3. Provide clear and compelling information : Present the benefits of the MOOC and the details of the training in an engaging way.

4. Effective call-to-action : Place clear and engaging calls to action (CTA) to encourage registrations.

The results

The landing page made it possible to achieve and exceed the objectives set. The results obtained include:

Significant increase in enrollments : The landing page led to an increase in registrations compared to previous campaigns.

Visitor engagement : Visitors spent more time on the page, exploring the various sections and information.

Increased user satisfaction : Feedback from participants highlighted the clarity and appeal of the landing page, contributing to a positive brand image.


Customer review background image for Alexis Gardin

“The mission focused on creating models on Figma And their Webflow integration. The mission brief was short but Alexis immediately understood the challenge and was very responsive and effective. The result is perfectly in line with our needs.”

Julian Quagliato
Julian Quagliato
Webflow landing page for a MOOC focused on artificial intelligence and human resources