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Alt Text

Alternative text (alt text) describes the content of each image on a web page, improving accessibility and referencing. It helps you to understand the webpage.

What is the ALT tag?

The ALT tag, or alternative text, is an HTML attribute used to provide a textual description of images on a web page. This description is essential for users of screen readers who cannot see images, as well as for search engines that use these descriptions to index the visual content of web pages. Alternative text plays a crucial role inweb accessibility, allowing all users to understand the content and context of images.

How do I write the alternative text of an image?

To write effective alternative text, it is important to describe the image succinctly while being specific enough to convey its context and meaning. Avoid redundant descriptions like “image of” and focus on the essentials. For example, instead of saying “dog image,” describe the action or context: “dog playing in the park.” This approach not only improves accessibility, but also SEO, because relevant descriptions help search engines understand the content of the page.

What is the purpose of ALT alternative text when inserting an image into a web page?

Alternative text is useful at several levels when inserting an image into a web page. First, it improves the user experience for people with visual disabilities by providing them with audible descriptions of images. Second, it plays an important role in SEO by allowing search engines to understand and index visual content. Additionally, alternative text is shown in place of images when the images cannot be loaded, ensuring that the user is not missing crucial information. The use of relevant and descriptive alternative texts is a recommended practice to improveaccessibility and the effectiveness of your website.