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The front-end refers to the visible part of a website, including the user interface and interactions, using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

What is the Front-end part?

The front-end of a website or application is the visible and interactive part that users see and interact with. It includes everything that is displayed on the screen, such as text, images, buttons, forms, and menus. The front-end is built using technologies like HTML for the structure, CSS for style, and JavaScript for interactions and dynamics.

Why become a front-end developer?

Becoming a front-end developer can be a rewarding career for a number of reasons. First, there is a high demand for front-end development skills, as almost every business needs an engaging and functional online presence. Additionally, front-end developers play a crucial role in creating intuitive and engaging user experiences, which can have a direct impact on user satisfaction and business success. Finally, front-end development offers numerous opportunities for creativity and innovation, allowing developers to explore new ideas and work on a variety of projects.

What is the difference between Back-end and Front-end?

The main difference between the back-end and the front-end is in their respective roles. The front-end is responsible for everything the user sees and interacts with on the site, while the back-end manages the logic, databases, and servers behind the scenes. In other words, the front-end is about the user interface and the user experience, while the back-end is about data management and business logic. Front-end developers use languages like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, while back-end developers work with languages like Python, Ruby, PHP, and Java.

What is the role of a front-end developer?

The role of a front-end developer is to transform designs and mockups created by designers into functional and interactive code. This includes creating web layouts, optimizing images, implementing CSS styles, and adding interactive features using JavaScript. Front-end developers also need to ensure that sites are responsive, meaning that they work well on different devices and screen sizes. In addition, they must ensure that the site is accessible, efficient and compatible with various web browsers.

What is the salary for a Front-end developer?

The salary for a front-end developer can vary depending on experience, skills, and geographic location. In general, junior front-end developers can expect a starting salary of around 30,000 to 40,000 euros per year. With experience and specialized skills, front-end developers can earn between 50,000 and 70,000 euros per year, and even more in some regions or businesses. Freelance front-end developers can also set their own rates, often based on hourly rates or specific projects.